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Scroll Progress Indicator - Derek Siu Headshot smiling

Taught by:

Derek Siu

Building a scroll progress indicator in Webflow is a simple and straightforward process. With this guide, you can create a beautiful and functional progress bar in just a few minutes. By adding a scroll progress indicator to your website, you can enhance the user experience and give your visitors a sense of progress as they navigate your site. This is most effective with long-form content such as a blog or article post.

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Building a Scroll Progress Indicator with Webflow: A Step-by-Step Guide

A scroll progress indicator is a great way to enhance the user experience on your website. It allows visitors to see how much of the page they have scrolled through and gives them a sense of progress. In this tutorial post, I will show you how to build a scroll progress indicator in Webflow, a popular website builder that provides a visual drag-and-drop interface for designing websites.

Step 1: Create a New Webflow Project

To start, log in to your Webflow account and create a new project. You can do this by clicking on the “New Project” button on the dashboard. Choose the “Website” option and give your project a name.

Step 2: Design the Progress Bar

Once you have created a new project, go to the “Design” section and create a new section. This section will contain the scroll progress indicator. To create the progress bar, you will need to use a div block and a rectangle shape. Start by adding a div block to the section. Then, add a rectangle shape to the div block. Set the width of the rectangle shape to 100% and the height to 4 pixels (or whatever height you want). You can also set the color of the rectangle to match your website's design.

Step 3: Animate the Progress Bar

Now that you have created the progress bar, it's time to animate it. To do this, you will need to use the interactions panel. Go to the “Interactions” section and add a new interaction. Choose the “Scroll” trigger and set the animation to “Move”. Set the “Y” value to 0% and the “X” value to -100%. This will make the progress bar animate from left to right as the user scrolls down the page. You can also set the duration of the animation to match your preferences.

Step 4: Preview and Publish

Once you have completed the animation, you can preview your work by clicking the “Preview” button. If everything looks good, you can publish your website by clicking the “Publish” button.


Building a scroll progress indicator in Webflow is a simple and straightforward process. With this guide, you can create a beautiful and functional progress bar in just a few minutes. By adding a scroll progress indicator to your website, you can enhance the user experience and give your visitors a sense of progress as they navigate your site.

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